From our own experience and that of our customers, we can say that the libelle is extremely comfortable and safe. Children from about one year of age can sit and sleep comfortably in our Croozer hammock seats.

For small children, an additional baby hammock can be installed, in which, the children below one year of age, are seated and supported similary to a regular baby car seat. The hammock also provides additional cushioning. Each child seat can be unhooked very easily to make the full transport capacity is available.

Both the hammock and the child seats have a five-point harness.

The ride comfort for the children is very high, thanks to the good damping behaviour of carbon. Due to the additionally incorporated aramide fabric, the cockpit has a particularly effective splinter protection in case of an accident.

Our carbon aramid cabin has been tested by an independent test institute. Our ferry bikes perform significantly better than the set standard values.

A research study by the ADAC (2011) showed that transporting children on a cargo bike is generally safer than in a child seat on an ordinary bicycle.

In addition, a cargo bike gives you much more all-round visibility, a good feeling and you always have your loved ones in view. No child seat or bicycle trailer can do that.

The fork and other struts, e.g. at the rear of the bike, are made of aluminium. This means that no critical micro-cracks can occur after an accident and no parts have to be replaced. Should a serious crash occur, damage to the carbon, e.g. a crack in the cabin, can be repaired quickly and safely.

Common cargo bikes weigh 35 to 70 kg. Our Cargobikes weigh 20 – 29 kg, depending on the equipment, i.e. only slightly more than an ordinary city bike. That makes a big difference both when carrying and when riding.

The Libelle is designed for two children up to the age of about seven. This depends on the size of the child.

The children can be of different ages, e.g. newborn and three years. In this example, the baby lies safely and comfortably in a Croozer hammock, protected from bumps. The three-year-old child sits in one of two Croozer hammock seats incl. five-point harness.

Depending on the selection of bicycle components, usually two to three weeks. However, delivery times depend on the order situation. A good orientation period is three to eight weeks (as of 11/2023).

We configure your cargo bike together with you. Unfortunately, an exchange is not possible, as this is a customised and individual production.

As with a normal bicycle, the usual components should be checked and maintained regularly, such as the brakes and steering.

The seats can be removed and washed. The windows can be removed for cleaning. Scratches in the carbon surface can usually be easily removed with polish.

Daily care includes:

  • Riding
  • Make sure your cargo bike is parked in the dry as much as possible.
  • Monthly maintenance includes:
    • Check tyre pressure and tread
    • Chain maintenance
    • Clean your cargo bike

Every six months you should:

  • Check moving parts for ease of movement and play
  • Check the wear parts of the drive
  • Check brakes and gears and adjust if necessary.

Professional inspection

  • After 500 kilometres or after three to five months, an inspection should be carried out by us or another specialist dealer. This is important for any warranty claims. In addition, we strongly recommend an annual professional inspection.

We can offer you a seat post that fits your size. If you wish, we can also adjust the height of the handlebars.

As a rule, differences in size of up to 30 cm are not a problem, although this always depends on your body. If the difference is greater, we can usually find a solution.

Basically, we cut your cargo bike to size for you and install the appropriate components. Our rims are all hollow-chamber reinforced. The frame and the cabin are tested for a total load of 180 kg.

If you want, you can simply tie your dog to an eyelet in the cockpit so that he cannot jump out.

That’s a difficult question and opinions differ widely on the subject. In summary, one can say:

The hub gears have the advantage that they are less susceptible to dirt and therefore require less maintenance. You can shift down at traffic lights while stationary and the rear wheel is more stable due to the symmetrical arrangement of the spokes.

Derailleur gears are more suitable for sporty riders. They offer slightly higher efficiency, allowing you to shift through gears quickly when accelerating at traffic lights, even under load. There’s no need for a brief pause at every gear change. Additionally, there are more gears with finer gradations.

The support from the electric motor stops at 25 kilometres per hour. Of course, you can also go faster.